Wednesday, July 16, 2008


A free screening at the Secret Society! Anyone in the States knows that viewing this film has been a struggle here. Yes, it is available on YouTube in 574835 parts, but now you can view it in its entirety-- as it should be viewed. Again, I'll be missing this :(

"An odyssey of two robots who journey across a mythic American landscape of haunting, surreal beauty on a quest to become human. This silent feature-length film made its international debut at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival. With its breathtaking cinematography, innovative filming techniques, and above all, its underlying search for humanity within a dystopian environment, Daft Punk have delivered a film that finds a common thread with their previous work, while exploring new horizons as directors," Jackpot Records

-DVD will be available on July 22nd in a deluxe steel package including a 40 page book.
-Large Movie Posters will be given away for free for those who preorder at the screening

116 NE Russell St (next to the Wonder Ballroom) @ 9PM, 07/18

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