Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm ready, I think

Ray and I: no make-up, no shame

This, ladies and gentleman, is the first ever self-timed photo to come from my digital camera--it was just taken a few minutes ago. What does this mean? Outfit posts is what this means. Ray has been urging me to, from time to time, post outfit pictures onto Mass Class; the idea has definitely crossed my mind but I've always been hesitant. I'll try it out and see how the response is and if it's to everyone's liking then maybe I'll continue to do it. 

Outfits will be posted maybe once or twice (if I'm not lazy) a week come August. I still want to keep this a blog about all things to my liking and interest and not just strictly a fashion blog. I guess my qualms stem from the fact that this site isn't meant to be purely for fashion literature and so outfit posts don't sound too pertinent. But I guess I won't know until I try, yeah?

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Portland, OR
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