So a
Pendleton rep came into my work the other day and thought our shop would be great for the new Pendleton for
Opening Ceremony line-- wait, what? Pendleton for Opening Ceremony? Yeah, supposedly when they were carrying
our Portland goods over at the NY and LA shops it sold like hotcakes, and what better way to maximize on this partnership (and celebrate their 100th anniversary) than to actually create a look together, right? I'm so excited! I'm glad for Pendleton because this is so unlike them and Oregon will be represented in an innovative and fashionable light! I'm looking forward to seeing the 25-piece capsule collection when it is released this coming August (there will be 15 pieces for men, also available in women's sizes, and eight more women's pieces tacked on for good measure). All produced in the U.S. of A.
Based out of Portland, Pendleton is a century old American milling company known for their Indian heritage prints. And I mean American heritage prints on anything: skirts, men's button-downs, bags (!!), bedding, etc. This trend is already on the cusp of blowin' up, and lucky for you Portlanders, Pendleton is all up and down these vintages shops around here. You can get this-- what is now growing to be a high-end look-- on the cheap.
WWD and Pendleton rep, thanks, Bill!)