Friday, July 11, 2008

Last Days of China & Hong Kong

Kyle's street name, no joke.

Hey guys, Raymond and I are now reporting from Saigon. We arrived yesterday and are leaving tomorrow for the islands, man. We were rudely awakened this morning by construction work that sounded literally like it was happening at less than 3 yards from our room. To make up for lack of rest we decided to spend the latter half of our day lounging and getting to work on our videos. Here are some from the our last days in China and HK.

Cocoon Farm!

Stage 1: Larvae produced by moths chillin'

Stage 2: Pupa, when they start spinning themselves into a cocoon.

Stage 3: Cocoons! Success!

Hong Kong!
We finally made it to the last leg of our China excursion, thank god. Not only was our China tour over but we finally reunited with our dear dear friend Kyle from back home!

Kyle's been living in HK for over 3 months now so he gladly obliged to be our tour guide for the short time we were there.  The clip shows us going through Lamma Island (a short 20 min ferry ride from HK) viewing the local cuisina and finding a place that sold booze!  The people were so much laid back and the food was definitely a lot fresher than anything you could find on the Mainland.  We genuinely enjoyed our stay there but most of all we were more relieved to see a familiar face, reminding us a little of the home we are temporarily leaving behind. 

One Big Happy Family. Finally.

Hong Kong Skyline

Lamma Island!

Last Day Enjoying Our Dericious Korean Spread


Anonymous said...

All the wonderful sights and food! What a great trip; I'm so jealous. I'm glad you got to hang out with Kyle for a few days. What islands are you going to? (I guess I'll find out in your next post.) I looked it up, and the pictures were amazing. Bring me back some mangosteens. I want them!


El Monte Upholstery said...

Thhanks for sharing

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