Thursday, July 17, 2008

Phu Quoc

After spending a couple days in Saigon Raymond and I took a ferry out to a beautiful Vietnamese island called Phu Quoc and spent a few days lounging around there. I guess it's closer to Cambodia than Vietnam. We saw all sorts of sea life.

Raymond and a jellyfish made nice whilst swimming in the turquoise waters.

Note: Ray and I were inebriated the whole way through.

Our stay in sunny paradise was way too short, BUT is now extended and relocated. We just arrived to Nha Trang today, a coastal town that is easily one of the the world's most beautiful places. You'll be hearing from us again soon. Cheers.

View of the Phu Quoc shores from hotel balcony


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you peed on Ray's arm! That's effing hilarious. While rolling around in the surf, he looks like he just had a long conversation with Wilson. You're loosing your minds! Perfect.


Anonymous said...

O my god... i can't believe she peed on you! hahahaha That's crazy more props to you kathy how the fuck were able to pee on him. hahaha well since you guys were drunk i guess it's easier. hahaha sounds like your having fun...

Anonymous said...

now that's true friendship


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