We've made it, finally. Our trip started early in the morn' on Friday-- 6AM to be exact. We were hungover with about two or three hours of sleep under our belts, and slowly but surely made our way to San Fran. Got on another plane to Hong Kong... but little did we know, that once we arrived we had missed our connecting flight to Beijing due to a minor delay we had in SF. Here's how that went down:
Stewardess: You missed your flight to Beijing and the next available flight is tomorrow morning.
Us: But... we are trying to catch a tour tomorrow. Do we have any other alternatives?
Stewardess: Well, do you have visas here?
Us: No. Because our final destination is Vietnam.
Stewardess: Oh, so you guys are Vietnamese citizens? You are more than welcome to sleep in the airport lounge until your departure tomorrow morning.
Us: No, no we're American citizens. You need to accommodate us for your lack of preparation.
Stewardess: OH, you're Americans. You'll each get your own room at the airport hotel.
Note: Watch our morale sloooowly decrease the longer we travel.
We each got our own rooms. And eventually made it to Beijing.
Drunk with love,
Ray and Khathy
P.S. Thanks Beijing for hooking us up with cheap top-shelf liquor.